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Heart Lake Ministries


We believe that God has given each and every one of us, special gifts to serve God and each other.  If you want to help out, please email us or talk to us at church and we will find a place for you.


Heart Lake Missions

God calls us as believers to share His love with those who need it


Are you in need of food or know someone in need? Our Food Drive sends our collected items to St. Andrew's Presbyterian Church in Brampton. The St. Andrews Food Bank is at 44 Church Street East, Brampton, and is open to the public every Wednesday from noon to 2:00pm. Their protocols are in the link below.


"I was hungry and you fed me, thirsty and you gave me a drink; I was a stranger and you received me in your homes..." (Matt. 25:35)

Thank you to everyone from HLCPC who were able to make

Operation Christmas Child Shoe Boxes a success!

Disaster relief efforts:  We believe that Christians need to actively participate in being a light for those who are suffering all across the world.  We collaborate with PWS & D (Presbyterian World Service & Development) in all disaster relief efforts.  If you would like to give to a particular cause, you can give through the Presbyterian Church in Canada website or during our weekly worship services.  For more information about this charity, or to donate now, click below:

Morgan Forest Elementary School Mission: For years now, we have been helping to support the life of Morgan Forest Elementary School in Jamaica.  If you would like to contribute to this cause, please come to our worship service and donate by writing 'Morgan Forest'  on your offering envelope provided.


Hello, my name is Dadelie

I live with my parents in Haiti. I help at home by cleaning. I am 10 years old. I am currently enrolled in primary school and my favourite subject is history. I like to play with dolls. I am in good health.

World Vision Child: Your sponsorship is an important and continuing part of the assistance given to help this girl and her family attain self-reliance for this is the development in which World Vision is involved. If you want to contribute, donate any amount during our offering time and label it 'World Vision'.

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